How to redeem Arch tokens
Carlos avatar
Written by Carlos
Updated over a week ago

What redeem means?

When you buy one of our tokens you are investing in a basket of digital assets, for example, if you invest in $WEB3, you will invest in Uniswap, Chainlink, Lido, and so on.

The process of obtaining those digital assets that are the constituents of the invested token is the action of redeem.

Step by step

First, it's important that you can only redeem tokens that live in the Ethereum network. So if you want to redeem on Polygon, you must bridge to Ethereum.

To redeem you must follow this steps:

  1. To redeem any token, you must go to this contract in etherscan

  2. Then you must connect your wallet and select the third option that says redeem.

  3. Then you must add the contract address of the token you want to redeem on _setToken (Address) , they are the following:

  4. In quantity, you must select 10^18 and then the amount of token you want to redeem.

  5. Then in the section "To address", the address you want to send the constituents of the token that you are making the redeem

  6. Finally, you must select "Write" and then sign the transaction

*It's really important to consider the gas fee of the transaction, that generally are expensive in Ethereum network.

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